Sunday, 18 September 2011


Ive really enjoyed stitching along with everyone  this weekend although I didnt get as much done as I would have liked. And I did work on the same project.

So as much as Im enjoying it I think I might turn my attention to 1 of my other projects so that you dont all just fall to sleep reading my posts :)

Happy Stiching in this new week :-D


Bec said...

haha! I don't think we every stitch as much as we hoped for.
Your progress is lovely! :)

kate n said...

I admire you for carrying on with a work in progress instead of starting something new - which is what I did and now I have another UFO - lol!

Joysze said...

Oh you've gotten a lot done over the weekend!! Yeah!!! Keep up with the WIPs... no new starts. HAHAHA. (p/s. I hate starts.)

Well, I for one don't get tired of seeing the same WIP. :)

Kaisievic said...

Great progress, here! Nothing wrong with new Starts - I love them!
Hugs, Kaye

Lissanne said...

I love to see the progression on a WIP! This looks like it is coming along beautifully.