Saturday, 30 April 2011

A Royal Stitch

When I saw this I knew I had to share it with all of you who have been following the beautiful couple :-)

I wont add the picture here as I dont know if Im allowed but it is worth a look. And if I can figure out how to download it, it will definatly be going into my pile of WIPs (because I wont be able to just put it in my stash  :-P)

Friday, 29 April 2011

Ooops, Late Give Away Post

I had posted yesterday about the winner and then in my hurry I accidently deleted that post instead of just the draft and didnt check it. So here it is again.

The winner of my give away, chosen by the use of is Cheryll @ Gone Stitchin'! And because she commented that she loves surprises I will let her reveal all when it arrives. If you could email me with your details Cheryll, that would be great :-)

And also today I wanted to share some peices that I completed, or almost when I was pregnant with DS 2 years ago. Id just about fogotten them when I unearthed them looking to things to finish the give away. So after a wash, dry and TLC here they are
A frustrating peice which actually turned out ok.**Edit. This peice I found again as a free design on**

This little fellas suposed to be holding a heart. I hope I can find a copy of his chart again to finish him
       **I did find him. Hes a free chart on**

Happy Stitching :-)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Visitors, Goodbyes,Cooking and Stitching

We have been lucky enough to have my DGrandparents visit for the last couple of days. Its been great to catch up and good company for the kids, taking their mind off Daddy leaving for work yesterday. But when it came to saying goodbye, things werent so easy. DD came to me when they were getting ready to leave and asked 'Who's going to look after us now Mummy?'

This morning after the housework was done I actually got in and done some cooking, so our morning tea looked like this

And as I love looking at all the garden and decorating pictures on everyones beautiful blogs, and I havent got a stitching finish to show you (yet) I will be finished my give away tonight, fingers crossed, I thought I would leave you with these 2 pics.

Outside in my garden

Inside on my piano :-)

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Easter Baby!!

Im an Aunty!!! Well Im actually an Aunty-by-marriage 3 times over but theres something special when its your own family. So you know what that meant.... yep straight online to order a baby sampler! lol. So I better hurry and finish Lilac Fairy so I can start. Unfortunatly I wont see bub til hes about 2 months so I'll just have to concentrate on the sampler to help me wait.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Ok, I have 9 days left until my giveaway and still a little work to do. Unfortunatly no pics til its finished but there will be one hopefully sooner than later. I havent got as much stitching done in the last week as I would have liked but life has been so busy.
My daughters Lilac Fairy has been calling out to be worked on and I would have loved to have her done before this or at least by the end of the month so I'll have to see how I go after I finish.

I see plenty of people who need my prayers and thoughts at the moment so know you are never forgotten and a special callout to Grammy Staffy of , who needs all the love and support we can give at the moment.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Friday Night Sew In Attempt

I didnt get quite as far as the sewing machine as I wasnt sure what to do when I ran out of the heart material. Being new at quilting it might take me a while to figure it out, but another dig through my stash is needed. Saying that, this is what I did get done

The squares at the bottom is what I had left over and I have plenty more of  the flower and dark blue left so I guess I could keep going with that for now.

I cant wait to see what everyone else gets done :-)

Give Away

I've been thinking and what Ive decided is that if I have 20 followers by the day of the Royal Wedding (the 29th if you happen not to know :-D ) I will draw 1 lucky follower to receive a little something. Nothing big, just something to hopefully brighten up their day :-) My question to you is should I show what Im giving or leave it as a surprise for the lucky winner to show when they receive it? I will make a decision on that on Wednesday according to what you all suggest. To be included in the give away all you have to do is become a follower of course (I love meeting new people), and leave a comment :-).

I hope you all have a great day and I will be back later with my pics from my Friday Night Sew In

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Happy Dance time! Ive finally done my first BloggerTime Finish :-)

The picture's a little fuzzy but Im so happy with it. It ended up taking mu-u-u-uch longer than I expected but I plodded through and got a good result.
Now on to finishing my daughters fairy, but right now I think a coffee is in order :-)

Thought I better add that I made this pattern by taking angels off 's little_angle_angels_babies_new_baby_Baptism, and putting them into my own order :-)

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Friday Night Sew In

I have joined the ladies over at for their next Friday Night Sew In, so I have another excuse to get out the needle and thread :-)
Cant wait til Friday to see what I can get done.

As for our puppy, he is safe. My wonderful, wonderful parents have come up with the money for me and I have vowed to pay them back and love them forevermore. We can pick him up this afternoon :-)

An Anxious Wait

I know this has nothing to do with stitching but I have to keep my hands busy. During last week our dog went missing. My 3 little 1s adore him, and Ive been worried sick as he has got out before but always come home. This time he didnt and I did the walk around the block, ringing council and forever checking their website, which states that after 72 hours they are rehomed/put down. Now tonight, finally his pic came up (hes safe thank goodness) but it says he was picked up on the 8th. It is now the 10th and I have to wait til morning to ring. I feel sick. Its going to cost to get him out and we dont have the money right now. I hope and pray my parents will loan it to me and that when/if I get him back my FIL will come and fix the fence where he keeps getting out. So I hope and pray we will get our little ball of fun back safe and sound but its a whole 10 hours til I can ring and make sure. 1 things for sure, I will be really tightening the 'apron strings' and showering him with love. And we had already organised to get him a playmate as we know he escaped due to being too lonely for interaction of his own kind, so I hope hes here to welcome his little mate.

Sorry about that, but Im sure you can sense my anxiety. A (hopefully) happier update in the next 12 hours.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Progress - Frogs and Fairys

So its now the 8th. Doesnt time fly? Life has been so up in the air, but Ive tried to find some down time to stitch. Im not as far along again as Id like to be but I can see a change. So first I thought I would share a progress pic of my daughters fairy as I start to work on the details.

And also I mentioned a frog pic I did a few years ago which I am now going to have to buy a frame for as I'd love it hanging in the entryway. What do you think?

So as I work a little more on the fairy and push to finish my angels (which I will post about in the next couple of days) I stitch with love and laughter and thats the best medicine I think (washed down with a hot chocolate of course) lol.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Vowing to Finish

Well its now the 5th and I have a self imposed deadline for the Angel square and my daughters picture coming up on the 15th. Eep. I have got a little more done on both, although not as much as I would have liked. Why the self imposed deadline? So that I can get started on my sons picture and do something Christmassy as well as I have vowed to have something to decorate with for Christmas. Im not quite up to the 1 thing a month as a lot of ladies are but I would love to have a few. And hey its only the 4rd month. So I could still have 9 :-P .

Unfortunatly I cant put pictures up today as my camera batteries died the other day taking happy snaps of my beautiful offspring, so hopefully by the end of the week I'll have progress pics up and I found a finished project of a frog that I did a few years ago. I washed it up and its waiting to be framed.

So happy stitching to everybody and I hope you enjoy all your little creations :-)