Friday, 21 September 2012

Got a minute?

Or 2 for me to borrow to catch up on my posting and reading of posts? lol.

Any down time I have grabbed have been spent stitching and they've been few and far between so Ive been a bad blogger :( But baby girl is growing quickly and that is not to be missed right now :)

So what have I been up to? Well starting 'The General'

which I am loving, but after a while I started to long for a finish, as Ive only had 1 this year between working on HAEDs and not stitching much at all. So Ive started 'The Real Kitchen' by   to hopefully finish quickly.

After that 'Comfy Cozy' is screaming at me to finish the first page as its so close but also in the next month, stitching will take a back seat as I try my hand at sewing some dresses for my little girls. I dont know how I'll go or if I'll succeed by I'll give it a go lol. I have bought some patterns, I just need to get some material and all other bits and bobs :P

Oh and just before I go, I knew my dear hubby (as much as I love him) wasn't planning to buy me anything for my birthday (yesterday 21st :) so I took matters into my own hands

And also on HAED Appreciation Week, I did my bit with -

I hope you all have had more time than me to stitch and enjoy as the weather warms up here and we head into the last months of the year (noooooo :P )

Happy Stitching :)


sharine said...

Love your new stash and Happy Birthday:)

Kaisievic said...

Happy Birthday and it is always good to your birthday presents into your own hands - that way you definitely get what you want!