Wednesday, 25 March 2015

March craziness and a new obsession

Well March is now winding down on us. Can someone please tell me where this year is going?? I feel like we just had Christmas *sigh*

So what have I been working on? Not much stitching, although I have a little progress on Mothers Bliss

But for the last week and a half I have been knitting. I haven't knit for a long time and it will never take over my love for stitching but my daughter was asking for something for her hands at school when winter gets here in June and so I thought that I could make her some. 
Now even I know I'm not to that standard yet, all I've done is garter stitched some scarves and baby blankets and that was forever ago. So I jumped on ravelry, the knitting/crocheting social site and decided to start off with a blanket that is safe to tuck into a baby/toddler car seat as my kids love blankets in the car but when my youngest daughter who is 2 drops hers of course she can't grab it again. I'd never heard of these blankets before with the hole for the buckel and I wish I had 7 years ago haha.
So I started knitting 
And it was to be 24 inches long finished. Well I got it to 21 inches yesterday and this morning my eldest bought it to me and said ' I just saw this 
One very broken needle *sigh* so I have to buy a new set of 6mms. So close and yet so far. But I hope to teach myself to shape and everything slowly so that I can finally make the children what they need. It gets nowhere as cold here as a lot of places, the coldest morning I've ever seen is -7C/19F so quite balmy for a lot of you but still cold and of course we feel it. 

So that's my crafting adventures the last 2 weeks. I hope your crafting is going well and I will be back with more soon

Happy Stitching :)

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Mothers Bliss Progress

This month I have been stitching like absolute crazy on Mothers Bliss

Her top half is almost done except for some back stitching. I'm working on the baby and then will go to her skirt

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Progress over a month

Well what have I been up to? 

I put a few measly stitches in QS Love Is brilliant

I stitched like crazy for a week on Lady in the Mist

And I leisured my weekends away stitching on Hang In There, to finally reveal a kitty butt ;)

 Now for another week on Mothers Bliss! Can't wait. 

Happy Stitching! 

Friday, 16 January 2015

Mothers Bliss

This week I've worked completely on Mothers Bliss

I absolutely love working on this peice so I have to decide whether to stick to my news year rotation or keep working on it. 

Happy Stitching! 

Saturday, 10 January 2015

New start #3 and a little progress

Not much stitching done this week but I did receive a little kit from my mum for Christmas

And I've made a little progress on Mothers Bliss

Happy Stitching! 

Thursday, 1 January 2015

New year! New starts!

Happy New Year! 
I'm hoping this year will be better stitching wise for me. 
As the new year rolled in, I was setting up my 2 new starts, making up a new rotation, and sorting out my WIPs. 
So what did I stitch on? 

These are the start of 2 stitch alongs I'm part of. I'm so excited to see them come together. Along with my other WIPs I've carried over from last year. 

Happy Stitching in 2015!!