Friday, 26 July 2013

Remember this...?

little guy?

well shortly after my last post about him, I actually thought I had lost him. So while rummaging through some things on Thursday I was overjoyed to find him and his entire kit :) I had to give him some time in the spotlight, so here he is today..

Here's to a great stitching weekend for us all, and finding lost stitchy stuff!

Happy stitching!

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Comfy Cozy Pic

Some commented on my last post asking what Comfy Cozy will look like 1 day, so I thought I would post the picture again and hope they see it :)

I'm sorry I haven't been able to answer your comments personally. I've been having trouble with my email account that they are sent to, so I may have to change it. I love every comment though, and appreciate every one of my 99 of my followers :)

Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Is it still Monday? lol

I meant to update on Monday but of course life gets in the way. Not much stitching has happened over the last week and 1/2, but this is what I dusted off last week,

Comfy Cozy came out of the cupboard for the first time in a very long time, and now looks like...
so just a little change :)

And then on the weekend, I changed over and put a few stitches into 'Wish'

Hoping to get some more stitching done on my QS in the next few days :)

Happy Stitching!

Friday, 5 July 2013

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Friday Night With Friends

Come and join us over at Gone Stitchin' for a night of stitching and craft tonight!

Im looking forward to a few hours to focus on QS Love is Brilliant.

Happy Stitching :)

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

My 100th Post!

is a quick update on QS Love is Brilliant.

Thank you to all of you who have followed my this far and here's to much more stitching and many more posts to follow!

Happy Stitching :)